Amidst life's vast expanse, hope finds its place, Through trials and tribulations, it maintains its grace. Challenges may come, fierce and unyielding, Yet within our spirits, resilience keeps us healing. For in every darkness, hope's light is revealing. As I sit down to pen my final message as the Head Girl of this esteemed institution, I am overwhelmed by a myriad of emotions. The journey we embarked upon together has been nothing short of transformative, not only for me but for each and every one of us. I am reminded of the remarkable metaphor that encapsulates the illuminating twelve years that we have spent in SMC, Kanpur. We entered the school as eager caterpillars, confined within the walls of the school, oblivious to the vastness of the world outside.

Throughout our time here, we have undergone a profound renewal, shedding our old selves and emerging as vibrant and confident individuals. Just as the caterpillar weaves its cocoon, we have found solace and growth in the nurturing embrace of our school. Our school with its strong moral foundation, provided by our Sisters and the unwavering support of the teachers has been instrumental to our growth.In this pursuit of excellence, they have been like beacons illuminating our path even in the darkest of times. Reflecting upon the years gone by, it is evident that our school has given us more than just knowledge and academic prowess. It has fostered an unyielding spirit within us, enabling us to face challenges head-on with grit and determination. It has bestowed upon us the priceless gift of values such as integrity, compassion and resilience that have become the compass showing us the correct path.We have imbibed these principles and they now reside deep within our beings, shaping us into conscientious and responsible citizens of the world.

Through a plethora of opportunities provided to us,we have been encouraged to discover our talents, hone our skills and unearth the limitless possibilities within ourselves. As I reflect upon the tapestry of our experiences, our school motto , "Endeavour Counts" resonates deeply. It holds the essence of our journey, reminding us that our efforts, no matter how small, carry immeasurable significance. As we navigate the challenges and triumphs of our academic odyssey ,we come to understand that it is not merely a phrase but a resounding truth that shapes our character and defines our future. In closing, I urge each and everyone to never shy away from challenges or settle for mediocrity. Instead, let us strive for excellence knowing that our efforts, dedication and determination truly count. As we move forward, let us always remember the incredible community we belong to and the infinite possibilities that lie ahead.

Akshara Sharad Tripathi
School Captain

As the newly appointed sports captain, I am both honored and excited to represent our school's athletic community. It is with great pride that I take on this role, knowing the rich tradition of sportsmanship and excellence that our school upholds.

Sports play a vital role in shaping not only our physical abilities but also our character and resilience. They teach us the value of teamwork, discipline, and perseverance, traits that extend far beyond the playing field and into every aspect of our lives.

This year, I am committed to fabricating a culture of inclusivity, where every student has the opportunity to discover their passion for sports and achieve their full potential. Whether you're a seasoned athlete or someone trying a new sport for the first time, there's a place for you in our athletic community.

I encourage each and every one of you to get involved, whether it's by joining a team, supporting our athletes from the sidelines, or participating in school-wide events. Together, let's make this year one to remember, filled with unforgettable moments of triumph school spirit. I extend my heartfelt gratitude to our coaches, teachers, and supporters for their tireless dedication to our athletic programs. Your guidance and encouragement are the driving forces behind our success, and we are immensely grateful for everything you do. I look forward to leading by example and representing our school with pride on and off the field. Together, let's make BKDMS Family proud!

Kushagra Shukla


I am extremely grateful to Principal ma’am, my teachers and my friends who found me capable enough for the position of a leader for TOPAZ House. Our motto is not just a catchy phrase; it's a call to action. It's about pushing ourselves beyond our limits and aiming for greatness. As it suggests, my aim is to motivate each student of my house members to rise above all obstacles, whether they're academic challenges, personal struggles, or doubts from others. It's about finding the strength within ourselves to keep moving forward.

It is not just dreaming big, but also about setting ambitious goals and not being afraid to chase them. It's about exploring new ideas, taking risks, and never settling for mediocrity. So, my fellow students and friends, let's rise above the challenges we face, and let's reach beyond what we never thought would become possible. Together, let's dare to dream and make it a reality.

I promise my teachers and team mates to never let them down. We shall work together as a team and give our best shot in every activity that we take part in, be it academics, sports or any other competition.

Ayush Tiwari

Building bridges, breaking barriers

First and foremost, I would like to thank Principal Ma’am, my teachers and my dearest friends from the bottom of my heart who have provided me with a very big responsibility of being the captain of RUBY House. Let’s imagine a world where every person, regardless of their background, beliefs, or circumstances, has the opportunity to connect and collaborate freely. A world where the walls that divide us are replaced by bridges that unite us.

As our motto suggests, building bridges signifies reaching out to others with empathy and understanding, embracing diversity, and celebrating our differences. It means tearing down the barriers of prejudice, ignorance, and fear that keep us apart. As students, we have the incredible opportunity to be bridge builders in our own communities and beyond. Whether it's reaching out to a classmate who feels alone, standing up against injustice, or learning about cultures different from our own, each of us has the power to make a difference.

When we build bridges, we create pathways for communication, cooperation, and friendship. We open doors to new ideas, perspectives, and possibilities. And most importantly, we lay the foundation for a world where peace, harmony, and understanding can thrive. So let us pledge today to reach out across divides, to listen with open hearts and minds, and to work together as a team to create a brighter future for all. I shall pledge today and every day to be true to my house mates and teachers in whichever task I undertake, keeping in mind the upliftment of all my teammates. We shall perform to the maximum of our capabilities in everything that we do- studies, games and all competitions that we participate in.

Anshara Hussain


I would thank Principal Ma’am, my teachers and all my fellow students for considering me as an appropriate candidate for the position of the captain of EMERALD House. Our simple yet profound motto embodies the spirit of unity, cooperation, and solidarity. It reminds us that when we come together as a collective force, we are capable of achieving remarkable things.

In a world that often emphasizes individual success, it's easy to forget the power of community. But let us not underestimate the strength that comes from standing shoulder to shoulder, supporting one another through thick and thin. When we embrace the principle of "All for one, one for all", we create a culture of inclusivity and belonging. We recognize that we are all part of something greater than ourselves, and that our actions have the potential to uplift not only ourselves but also those around us.

As students, we have the opportunity to embody this principle in our daily lives. Whether it's lending a helping hand to a struggling classmate, speaking up for those who are marginalized, or working together as a team to achieve a common goal, each of us plays a vital role in fostering a sense of unity. So let us pledge today to live by this principle, support and uplift one another, celebrate each other's successes, and stand together in the face of challenges. For when we unite our strengths and our hearts, there is no limit to what we can accomplish. I promise that I, along with my House mates, will always perform to the best of our abilities and will leave no stone unturned in achieving our goals, be it academics, sports and games or any other competitions we take part in.

Anushka Gupta


I am highly thankful to Principal Ma’am, my teachers and my fellow mates who have chosen me as the captain of SAPPHIRE House. I wish we were actually aware of the incredible power we hold when we come together to make a difference.

Each one of us has dreams, passions, and goals, but it is when we combine our efforts and work togetherthat we can truly create lasting change. Together, we have the ability to tackle challenges, overcome obstacles, and leave a positive impact on our school, our community, and the world beyond.

Making a difference together is all about recognizing that every small action counts. Whether it's volunteering for a cause we believe in, standing up against injustice, or simply lending a helping hand to someone in need, each of us has the power to make a difference in our own unique way. But the real magic happens when we join forces. When we collaborate, share ideas, and support each other's endeavours, we amplify our impact exponentially. We become a force to be reckoned with, capable of sparking meaningful change and inspiring others to do the same. So let's embrace the spirit of unity and cooperation, harness our collective strength to address the issues that matter most to us, whether it's promoting sustainability, fostering inclusivity, or advocating for being honest in our respective jobs.

Together, we can be the change we wish to see in the world and can create a brighter future for ourselves and for generations to come. So let's roll up our sleeves, join hands, and embark on this journey of making a difference together. We shall take a pledge to stay united as a team, hold hands and continue to hold them irrespective of any obstacles that we face, we shall face them together and shall emerge as successful warriors. We shall give in our best in every field that we choose to go in- studies, sports, or any competition we take part in.

Shreya Mishra
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