• Promotion depends on the overall performance in both the examinations.
  • Attendance should not be less than 75%.
  • Pass percentage in each subject is 33% and a child has to pass in English, History Civics & Geography, Hindi along with two other subjects to get promoted to next class.
  • Report card will not be given if fees are in arrears.
  • If a report card is lost, a duplicate report card will be issues on payment of Rs. 200/-
  • If a child is absent due to any reason, no re-examination will be conducted.
  • The decision of the Principal with regard to promotion is final.
  • Progress of the students will be assessed on the basis of weekly, half-yearly and annual examinations. The marks obtained in these tests will be taken into consideration at the time of determining annual promotion.

  • Promotion is granted on the basis of whole year's work. The annual examination is a means to reaffirm results of a full year's work. The decision of the school authorities with regard to promotion is final.

  • A student absent in any examination for any reason will not be re-examined.
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